Lesser Known Ways to Reduce Your AWS Bill

When looking for ways to reduce your AWS bill, you would often come across the usual, commonly mentioned methods:

  • Use spot instances
  • Use reserved instances/use saving plans
  • Rightsizing your instances
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Understanding Sidekiq's systemd Service Unit File

The Story

A few months ago, I updated a popular Ruby on Rails gem, Sidekiq, from version 5 to 6. It came with a major breaking change which removed the built-in daemonization that it came with, and users were asked to let the operating system handle it instead. The documentation suggested a few tools, among which were systemd, upstart, and foreman.

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AWS EC2 IAM Roles Can Severely Affect Performance

The Problem

One day, while I was looking through Sentry’s performance monitoring section, I noticed that some APIs were performing poorly, with some queries taking more than a minute to complete. Usually, they would take 10 seconds at most. I opened up an event to look at the flame graph and this is a snippet of what I saw:

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Kubernetes Is Not Microservices, and Microservices Are Not A Magical Cure

The Story

As I’ve progressed in my career and met more colleagues, I’ve started to meet some people who are hardcore supporters of Kubernetes, containers, and microservices. Now, there’s nothing wrong with this. These inventions have made life a lot easier on both the development and operations front, but it has also brought a lot of hype and misconceptions along with it.

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