Trackmania Nations

I stumbled upon this game (no, not using that add on) some time two years ago. I don’t remember how or why, but I’m glad I did.

This free (<— !!!) racing game from Nadeo will be like no other racing game you’ve ever played. Once in a while, great racing games appear, usually with a certain kind of twist in them. It’s either really realistic, or really special. This is actually one reason why Need for Speed is dying, its typical.

What’s so special about this racing game? Your car is going to fly around a lot. Not against gravity, but along with it. The tracks in this game are designed in such a way so that your car doesn’t unrealistically stick to the ground. Humps, ramps, 360-degree spins, wallrides (drive on the wall), that’s some of what you’ll be doing. Speaking of which, the physics engine for this game is superb. Cars fall like they should, especially if it doesn’t have enough speed to sustain a stunt.

This game is also very customisable. You can download skins for cars at various websites, or even make them if you’re able to. You can also change the sound of the engine and the horn. I’ve seen a lot of crazy ideas for cars - bikes, police cars, planes, Spongebob Squarepants designs, and even Star Wars racers. You can even change the design of the flag that’s stuck beside your name if you want to.

There’s also an endless supply of tracks for this game. People in the Trackmania community are always making great (and bad) tracks for us players to play with. There are a few types of tracks that are usually made. My favourite types are the speed/stunt tracks, where you drive fast, and do stunts. There are also the technical tracks, where you have to be good at controlling your speed and turns, and you usually drive slowly for these kinds of tracks as there are a lot of tight turns. There are also mission tracks, where people will try to fit a quest/mission into a track. Sounds weird, but remember, this game is very customisable, you can do anything, and I’ll explain how it works later. There are also press forward tracks, where you press forward all the way. The car will drive itself to the finish line. And no, the track isn’t a straight line. Lastly (or maybe not), there’s the full speed tracks. Let go of the accelerator or brake, and you’re not going to make that jump.

Now for track customisation. Music can be added to the tracks, possibly solving the silly never-ending song that comes with the game. The tracks can even be given skins, making the tracks look different. Brick roads, candy roads, the list goes on. Custom pictures and words can also be added, anytime before, during or after the track. This way, a mission track is possible. All these have to be downloaded separately though.

This game is called Nations for a reason. Whenever you play online, you choose what country you’re from. Completing tracks in a server earns you points, which will bring you up the ladder in your country. Everyone’s points in the country will be added up, bringing your country up the ladder in the world. European countries are practically permanently at the top of the list mainly because this is an European game.

What I like about the settings for this game are the graphics. Got a crappy graphics card? Turn the graphics to ultra low, and even your crappy 2004 card will be able to play it. Got a great graphics card? Turn it up, and look at the amazing detail of the game.

How this game really works is rather indescribable. You got to try it for yourself. Best thing is, its totally free. You might be turned off by Starforce protection, but unless you’re the unlucky 0.5%, nothing will happen to your computer.

I vote this game: Best game no one heard of or played. Ever.

Trackmania Nations Trailer (1:38)

Graphics: 9
Sound: 7
Gameplay: 8.8
Lasting Appeal: 9.3
Overall: 8.9
