Savage: Battle for Newerth

This interesting game I found a few weeks ago gives the gaming world a new twist. Its an RTS and FPS combined. How does this work? Its simple. One person will only play the RTS part of the game, taking the role of a commander, doing the usual things you would do in an RTS game. The rest of the players take the FPS role. This FPS role is actually being the units in the game itself. The commander will be able to give you commands, but of course, since the unit isn’t AI controlled, the unit might not necessarily obey the order =). Whatever upgrades the commander researches, the FPS player would receive, and it is open for use or to buy. The commander is also responsible for building buildings, defence towers, and also to gather resources with the few AI workers available.

There are two races, Human and Beast. Humans have a wide array of technology and equipment like siege weapons, while the beasts wield devastating magic, with one cool and special unit: the behemoth. This behemoth is something like the cave trolls you would see in Lord of the Rings. Big, huge, and they wield a tree as a weapon.

The main objective of this game is to destroy all the buildings the enemy has. This requires teamwork from the team, and lots of gold and upgrades.

The graphics aren’t that great. The sound isn’t that great either. The sound doesn’t have much realism in it, and from what I remember, there isn’t any music.

If you have played Warcraft 3, something interesting you would notice as you play Savage is the similar sounds and some icons that they have. Using the bow in Savage would also remind you of Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion.

This game used to be pay to play, but it has been released for free now. A new development is Savage 2, which is pay to play. Maybe when Savage 3 comes out Savage 2 will out be for free.

Savage Trailer (1:48)

Graphics: 7
Sound: 6
Gameplay: 8.5
Lasting appeal: 8
Overall: 8
