Hitman: Blood Money

And so I have completed Hitman: Blood Money. The gameplay hasn’t changed much, Agent 47 still talks to the ICA through his tiny laptop to receive his missions. Agent 47 still remains a cold-blooded silent assassin, killing anyone who interferes with him or is involved with him. In one scene he kills a postman after he delivers a letter to him, face to face. In this instalment of Hitman, a new system, the notoriety system, is implemented. I never really got to experience the notoriety system, because I played the easiest level in the game, where that system is disabled. I usually go for the normal difficulty, but there were limited saves in the normal difficulty. 7 saves maximum. If there were unlimited saves, I would have played the normal level. The hardest difficulty is just crazy. No saves allowed at all. What on earth are they thinking? We have to play the whole game straight through?

Actually, the point of this game is to play it like an assassin, killing people silently, then taking their clothes and hiding the body. However, I didn’t really do that for 80% of the missions. I just looked for a choke point, attract the guards or people who will be a threat, then start killing all of them. Generally in most missions, no guards survived at all. I became a killer on a rampage, killing everyone who interfered. Some stupid innocent civilians decided to play hero and took the guns left on the floor by dead guards and started shooting me. They ended up dead, of course. When I first found out that civilians can attack me with guns, I learned not to leave any guns on the floor, or anyone who came near a gun alive.

The ending was pretty interesting. Diana, the woman whom 47 has been receiving missions and information from, entered his hideout. 47 trusted her, so he let down his guard. Diana forced an injection in his back. 47 “died”. There was this man, who was going all out to catch and kill 47. When Diana killed 47, she earned his trust. Diana, that man and a news reporter all went to 47’s funeral. In the movie scene, Diana placed 2 Silverballers (a handgun) on 47’s chest, right above his neatly placed hands. Diana was also seen preparing some sort of tube, which I believe she put into 47’s mouth. When the movie scene ended, it was the credits. However, I could still look around with the camera. Pressing A and D (left and right) made 47’s health increase, and 47 rises from the dead. Everyone in the church was all surprised and it was a fierce battle. Had to kill everyone in that mission, including that man who wanted 47 dead and that news reporter. Its one of the most interesting endings I’ve ever seen.

There’s even more proof that I need a new graphics card. Any setting above “low” in Hitman: Blood Money results in odd colours in the game. Everything is yellow-whitish, with patches of blue here and there. Just give the gaming industry 1 more year and my graphics card won’t be able to handle the latest games any more. When will I have a new graphics card? Looks like another 5 years or so.

Hitman: Blood Money Trailer (1:34)

Graphics: 8
Sound: 8
Gameplay: 7
Lasting appeal: 8
Overall: 8
