Battle for Middle-Earth 2

So I just got the game Battle for Middle-Earth 2 (BFME2). Its a pretty big game, about 5.1GB (I’m running out of space! I’m wondering if I should uninstall Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas since I’ve already completed the game, and also uninstall Need for Speed: Most Wanted because its the worst game in my computer now.). I’m pretty disappointed by the gameplay, as there is a lack of strategy and it gets rather repetitive. The variety of units is low, so basically you would use the same units over and over again to attack. There is no such thing as flanking or taking cover or anything, just the simple “the one with the most amount of powerful units win”. For example, if you charge behind a battalion of pikemen with cavalry, their pikes will still kill you even though the pikes are not facing the cavalry at all. Frustrating huh? I have played a game about 4 years ago which actually has the concept of flanking, so this isn’t very forgiveable. Because of the simplicity of the game, I completed the good campaign in just 2 days.

Archers are overpowered. Whenever I used the elven archers, I felt as if I was on a “god mode” cheat. This kills the fun of the game (everyone knows god mode makes the game pretty boring). Anyway, the graphics and sound saves the game. Whenever the fantastic Lord of the Rings soundtrack starts playing while in game, its just so beautiful.

I believe the races are imbalanced too. I went through the good campaign in a breeze, with not a single failure, all 1 try victories. When I started evil campaign, gosh was I pissed. Goblins get squished so easily and die so easily, even if you have more units then the enemy it doesn’t guarantee a win. I’ve already been defeated twice already. I feel like giving up and start playing the skirmishes and use my own hero.

Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth 2 Trailer (3:02)

Graphics: 9.5
Sound: 9
Gameplay: 6
Lasting appeal: 7
Overall: 6.9
